Why a Business Analyst is Not a Translator.
I often come across the description of a Business Analyst as a translator between the Business and the team.
This is a misconception that overlooks much of the work and value a Business Analyst provides, reducing their efforts to mere translation.
Why isn’t a Business Analyst a translator?
A translator conveys only what they hear—no more, no less.
A Business Analyst, on the other hand:
🔸️Expands and deepens the discussion by asking additional questions, analyzing, and structuring the information. As a result, the BA may uncover a completely different context or problem than what was initially stated.
🔸️Performs GAP analysis, develops strategies for achieving goals, and defines the project’s scope.
🔸️Proposes solutions by researching similar solutions in the market and among competitors, leveraging their experience in solving similar problems, and facilitating the discovery of new solutions together with the business and the team.
All of this goes far beyond translation and is not even comparable.
So, don't undervalue Business Analysis. Value yourself and your work, and don’t call yourself a translator.